Father’s Day is a drag in Osoyoos, BC
The Wine Country Racing Association (WCRA) finished up the spring segment of drag racing on Father’s day, Sunday June 19.
Rain on May 29 shut the track down before winners could be crowned, so the crowd was treated to two sets of finals last Sunday.
May 29
Final still to be run in the autumn.
Super Pro:
Mike (Bucky) Stewart (1967 Chevy II) from Langley, BC defeated Oliver, BC’s Chip Sabyan (1984 Olds Cutlass).
Pro Bracket
Paul Fode (1970 Plymouth Couda) from Kelowna earned himself another trophy by zipping past Oliver, BC’s Cliff Meeds (1949 Ford Pick-up).
Sportsman Bracket
Wade Reimer (97 Ford Econoline) took a trophy home to Summerland, BC, defeating Steve Mayer (2001 Honda Civic) from Osoyoos, BC.
June 19
Junior Dragster:
Sasha Mercer (8 years old) and Isabella Mercer (13 years old) raced their Junior Dragsters all afternoon long, much to the delight of the crowd.
Super Pro:
Mike (Bucky) Stewart (1967 Chevy II) from Langley, BC won a second trophy Sunday, dedicated to the memory of long-time friend and drag racer, Keith (Nopi) Vayle. Stewart defeated West Kelowna’s Kelly Vankoughnett (2000 dragster).
Bike/ Sled:
David Lee Madson (2003 Arctic Cat snowmobile) from Summerland, BC defeated Oliver, BC’s Warren Brown (2002 Kawasaki).
Pro Bracket:
Kelowna’s Darren Poulsen (1975 Chevy Vega wagon) raced to victory over Gary Dell (1969 Chevrolet Chevelle) from Osoyoos, BC.
Sportsman Bracket:
Dayne Waterlow (1992 Honda Accord) from Grand Forks, BC defeated Osoyoos, BC’s Tim Hiebert (1990 Ford Mustang).
Reaction Time:
A tie for the best reaction time by Oliver, BC’s Clint Peterman (1979 Chevrolet Camaro) and Osoyoos, BC’s Glen Taylor (1951 Mercury Pick-up). Both racers got nearly perfect .501 lights.
The track closes now for the summer. WCRA will be back in action September 25 with the ever popular Rumble in the Valley car club challenge.