Race Results – September 25
South Okanagan Rocks With Drag Cars Richter Pass Motorplex. Do you know where it is? Any other day of the week it is known as the Osoyoos airport. But last weekend the Wine Country Racing Association (WCRA) opened the gates to a flood of drag cars from all over British Columbia and Alberta. They needed…
May 29 & June 19 Race Results
Father’s Day is a drag in Osoyoos, BC The Wine Country Racing Association (WCRA) finished up the spring segment of drag racing on Father’s day, Sunday June 19. Rain on May 29 shut the track down before winners could be crowned, so the crowd was treated to two sets of finals last Sunday. May 29 Bike/Sled:…
Race Results – June 5, 2016
Heat doesn’t slow down drag racers Sunday June 5 was a scorching hot day in Osoyoos, BC, but that didn’t deter racers and fans from enjoying the day at Richter Pass Motorplex. Wine Country Racing Association (WCRA) staged races for 60 vehicles for the crowd’s entertainment. Results: Sportsman Bracket: Osoyoos’ own Tim Hiebert (1990 Ford…